Funktown cartel. tsrif seilper tsoM )tluafed( tsrif tnecer tsoM . Funktown cartel

<b>tsrif seilper tsoM )tluafed( tsrif tnecer tsoM </b>Funktown cartel <b></b>

I’m going to post a cute puppy picture and then describe the video. A man appears (similar to the Funky town man who had his face peeled) he is shown clearly and they literally make fun of him. linktr. He's missing his hands and feet as the men hack and saw away at him. ago. 1:21. The worst the torture, the greater the message. (The person who won the post notification. Funky Town (cartel flaying+torturing) Chechclear. Posted by. That's one video I don't want to watch based on what I've heard. To explain the video, basically it's this dude laying in a massive amount of blood while a group of men are standing around him. Funky Town Cartel G0re video – Explained. Então a musica FunkyTown nao toca, funky town é o nome do cartel. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that. The poor man was stabbed through the face with a steel bar. Video, which was uploaded sometime around 2017. I believe it starts as soon as an execution ends. This video shows a man with his face. The video lasts just over two minutes. ee/xixalxd. The Zetas in 1999 began to work for Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, recruiting former soldiers to create the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel; eventually begins to recruit members in active service of the 15th Infantry Battalion in Tampico, belonging to the 8th Military Zone, located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. "Funkytown" is a song by the Minneapolis-based disco group Lipps Inc. “Most messed up 2 “Funkytown” #gore #liveleak #cartel #torture”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET #death A horrifying gore video #gore videos. His body was severely damaged after a car accident. Cartel didn't take too kindly to that. 3 Guys 1 Hammer (Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs) Girl shoots her cousin then kills herself (Paris Harvey)A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. This gore video was filmed by either a Mexican street gang or a Mexican drug cartel, as per Screamer. Most recent first (default) Most replies first. The gory act of torture took place over the weekend near the town of Tepalcatepec,. Because the song "FunkyTown" is being played in the background of the video while he is getting tortured. Most versions start after that. he is screaming and gurgling blood. com. The Funky Town Cartel is one of the most influential and notorious gangs in the United States. In this video I talk about what I seen in this intense video I watched. com, devido a música aparecer no vídeo a partir dos 2 minutos e 30 segundos sendo intitulado com o. I’ve heard about this on YouTube and I always said I didn’t want to see it because people said it was so bad and when I came across it just now and seen the name of the video I wasn’t prepared then I seen the poor guy getting tortured horrible way to go if anyone has the back story to this why he went through this torture I. Yeah. Funkytown is one of, if not the most infamous gore video ever made. He betrayed us we was just tryna. There is a video I saw back in the day called "The Crazy Blonde" (it goes by other titles as well) where a cartel member peels the face off of a man (who isn't moving/maybe dead already) with a box cutter. Needless to say, it is truly harrowing footage (which made me despair for humanity even more than Threads); but I found one of the most disturbing mysteries of the film to be the purported identity of the victim - that he was one of the. This isn’t a race thing any race does shit things like this. This video. In the video, the hitmen put a knife into his. The video it is known as "Funkytown Gore" or just "Funkytown". The shock media itself is believed by many to be one of the worst gore videos spread around the. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. So basically. In this video, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) removes skin from a living person, cutting flesh with a knife from the chest. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. About 20 men were killed. You Might Be Interested In. In This Video I explained what's inside Funky Town cartel video which is supposed to be worst video on Internet #cartell #hindiMusic used in this video -a recent video that is as bloody as it is shocking and horrible, hitmen from La Familia Michoacana stab and skin a member of the rival CJNG cartel alive. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be, if you can handle shit on this sub, you’ll be fine. dom. There is no such thing as a "good first gore video" I'd just scroll through this sub and look at medical gore and accidents as those are pretty handable. . Will post link if I find it. He is then poured isopropyl alchohol and lit o. If I remember correctly the original was either members of the Gulf Cartel torturing a Cartel del Noreste member or vice versa, happened somewhere along the "Frontera Chica" of. Cultura popular. While all this is going on a women giggling. The massacre is part of increasing violence in southern Mexico. You’d think he’d have gone into shock and been paralyzed or something from the amount of blood lost but he’s moving and screaming the entire video. The audio might be the worst part. The footage shows a masked man. a video surface on the internet showing a brutal and gruesome execution caried out in Mexico by either a Cartel or a gang. all while several notable songs play. I will warn you again, your life is better not knowing the details. It was a gang-style execution believed to be the work of the Mexican drug gang the New Generation Jalisco cartel. 358. Polls and Games. On a tiled floor, the video shows a conscious man being bound with what appears to be rope. Language English. The only reason he was able to live while they were doing ut was because they were pumping him full of drugs to give him adrenaline to keep his heart beating. It shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain while Sweet Child O' Mine and later Funkytown are playing in the background. Thanks!Arkadiuz • 4 yr. He could have been, but in the video you can hear the people say to him “you picked the wrong side” which leads me to believe he’s just a member. This is honestly sick like how can people be so cruel. Funky Town Cartel Gore Video Explained. Published 1 year ago • 565K views. ago. IDK the background but I know the content. 1. The other video of just the faceless person is nowhere near as gruesome as this. ️ To help my channel go to: ️ Follow. bxxxx34 • 2 yr. FunkyTown Gore is a video I'm which there's a man being tortured while alive with music in the background. So no one will really know how much he truly suffered. they are conscious and screaming/gurgling and writhing in agony on the floor while 2 or 3 people torment him. Sometimes there's song played over it. Probably killed the boy to make it worse for the rest of the family and to send a message to any other cop that won't be corrupted. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. Ul due an awful death you coward pigs. One day they will stop being machines for the cartel; just going through the motions doing unspeakable acts of brutality in the name of 'revenge' for their own cartel. hsa026vi. The man is seen lying on the ground with his arms and legs tied up with what appears to be an extension cord or wire. I. miami florida beach 1 day ago • 49 views epicfails. a man has his face flayed, his hands chopped off. cover art by: @ callme . From that point onward, 50 seconds funkytown video. gore video where they skin this dude and funkytown plays in the back as he bleeds out and dies. Ghost rider is a video of a man having his entire head set on fire like in Ghost Rider until his face is completely burned. A Man Was Cut Off The Skin On His Head Alive And His Heart 8 021 11. The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) members burned the man’s face off as a way to mock his nickname, “Ghost Rider. If I remember correctly the original was either members of the Gulf Cartel torturing a Cartel del Noreste member or vice versa, happened somewhere along the "Frontera Chica" of Tamaulipas. The music in the background is “Funkytown” by Lipps Inc. Funky town still has #1 on my list of the most brutal gore video. Tags. The video’s title makes it easy to identify its source: a Mexican drug cartel. Yes Ghost Rider is worse then Funky Town. It's called the 'Funky Town Torture' because that's one of the songs playing in the background of it. [2] 의 디스코 곡으로, 대히트곡이다. His hands have been severed at the stumps, but the anguish is so great that he needs to be held down with the help of a couple of men in addition to the tying. Not saying it’s not bad or anything, just not worse than any other gore video. 5 Comments. Noticias de Honduras, en vivo, noticias del mundo 24 horas: nación, entretenimiento, economía, mundo, deportes, bienestar, tecnología, video, opiniónYou white people owned slaves but yet you wouldn’t call yourselves an animal open you’re eyes your just as bad. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. I. 멤버 스티븐 그린버그가 미네아폴리스 에서 뉴욕 으로 밴드가 이주하는 걸 꿈꾸면서 썼던 곡이라고 한다. 2 months ago. Thoroughly crazy Explanation of the Gore Cartel City Video Totally wild The Gore Cartel City video is 2 minutes in length and spectacular. Not his head, only the skin on his fake. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in an inhuman way. 2 Guys 1 Chainsaw. is in! Top comment will be next song. very late response but basically what you do for any sub is you put the sub name in so in this case r/NSFL then quite simply put funky town after it. yeah that would be more worse I have seen a cartel video in which female cartel member just skinned a person with the sife and it took about 2 minutes after beheading so just. The cowards in the vidio have taken someone purely cos he s alone. E realmente o cara ainda ta vivo, porque do nada ele começa a berrar as vezes. most notably/ironically funkytown. A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. Why call it funky town tho, you know I'm about to think about this video everytime funky town comes on the radio. The man in the Funkytown video is confirmed not Julio Mondragon, that was a different incident. Seriously, don’t read the res. Funkytown over the years has gone on to be arguably the most infamous gore video on the internet. Since then, it has grown from a small criminal organization to one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in the country. Message From The Cartel 451 0 0. l. O video tinha 2:30 eu consegui ver um minuto e nada maisFunkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. there is a person lying on a white tiled floor. Both the CDG and CDS(Zetas) were the first to start skinning members faces off while still alive and that trend eventually spread throughout Mexico. 는 이 곡을 끝으로 더 이상 히트곡을 내지 못했다. link. 노래를. . There seems to be no buttons I can see where you could click and search for specific videos. Funky Town Victim. Many people on this sub will have seen, or at least know of, the titular Funky Town video. IIRC the dad was a cop doing his job by not taking bribes. it has been flayed off. Original Video : Connected:Twitter - Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. The cartel are brutal and that kind of preparation is not uncommon at all. ago. The video, which was transmitted somewhere around 2017. app. _inte4este_ • 4 mo. u/Axolotl-BillCipher. The cartels have long used violence to assert their control over the drug routes. They even slice his throat with a box cutter at. Formed by members of the BLO’s. Funky town my gore, yeah that's how I like it (Ay, ay) With the cartel and we stabbing through your eyelids. Man skinned alive. The video was filmed by either a Mexican street gang or a Mexican drug cartel. Took off his face. TIA! Tall-Dutch-Guy • 1 yr. Funkytown gore reactionTo win the post notifications shoutout just be the first person to comment on the next video. Some guy is getting torture by, what I think is, the Mexican drug cartel. The Body Of A Former Prisoner Killed By 6 Shots 3 908 3 0. it’s a cartel torture video, a classic any true gore connoisseur will shiver at. A video of this kind was made and released in 2017. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that happens. They (whatever criminal group/ cartel made Funkytown) provably used the house as a safe/ torture house. Below are some of the most brutal murders or gun battles that Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel has been responsible of played a major role in. El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel Beheadings of Felix Gamez Garcia & Barnabas Gamez Castro by chainsaw. ago. 29, 2022 00:05:48 Podcasts RSS Link SAVE SHARE CLIP MORE EPISODE COMMUNITY EMBED EDIT ABOUT THIS EPISODE Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. I. Video which famously recognized as “funkytown” showing a rival gang was tortured and beheadedFunkytown Gore Are people sure that funky town Gore was an actual cartel video and wasn't some sort of weird serial-killing because that's awfully strange that nobody has. If I remember correctly, I'm inclined to believe it. Funkytown because no one knows who the victim was Just people spreading rumors that he was a predator which theirs no proof also ghost rider is also unpleasant even. It is a horrible video with origin in Mexico. Answer (1 of 19): *UPDATE* A new video surfaced which is pretty brutal. 2. ago. Funky town by Lipps Inc. Very few people are born psychopaths with no morality. Afterwards he holds it up to the camera Texas Chainsaw style. He's prob some innocent person off the streets but cos their fkn idiots they find fun in torturing anyone whose alone unable to defend themselves, ROT in hell you mother fkn pigs. ago. The above-mentioned site also wrote why this torture video is named. As per Screamer, the cutting video was shot by a Mexican street pack or medication posse. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. - This is why sometimes I'm afraid to visit my familia in Mexico. In this. ago. ‘funky town’ is a code word that sam and dean use for ‘there’s a gun to my head come help me’ so that the person with the gun can’t catch on. he’s being pumped full off drugs to keep him alive, he’s in intense pain. A gang is a group or society of associates, friends or members of a family with a defined leadership and internal organization that identifies with or claims control over territory in a community and engages, either individually or collectively, in illegal,. It is widely believed to be one of the worst shock videos online. Introduction. Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. could someone explain to me what it is, what happens in it, and why it's significant? and not the song featured in the hit motion picture, Shrek 2😛😘. The cartel is a splinter group of the larger Beltran Leyva Organisation (BLO), which fractured following the death of its leader Arturo Beltran Leyva in 2009. FunkyTown is a shock video first uploaded to an unknown website (presumably Kaotic. Posts about Funkytown. Duration 2min 50sec. The video doesn’t show the beginning of the torture or his death either. Funky Town. And they start going at his face with knives and shit.